The Sharp Words podcast
Stories and more on Sundays. Coming soon.
Unleashed into the ether like a love note tied to a helium balloon, the Sharp Words podcast is a very cunning ruse.
I get to feast on all sorts of juicy writing - without the pain-in-the-ass voice of my inner critic berating me for being a lazy, good-for-nothing slacker. After all, if I'm at the helm of a podcast about words, lounging around reading books can no longer be deemed unproductive, can it?
In the weeks to come, expect a smorgasbord of stories, songsmithery and such like, along with book reviews and leisurely chinwags with mighty pen-toters.
Tales from the big red reading chair
A ‘shelf-help’ question struck a chord recently. Think about what you most enjoyed doing when you were a kid, the book said, and do that thing.
So I thought about it. And I realised my childhood ‘thing’ was reading. School was right next door to the local library and I'd be in there at every opportunity, ploughing my way through the children’s section like The Very Hungry Caterpillar. I'd max out my library cards and humph my haul home, a pleased-as-Punch primary-aged pirate with a swag bag full of story booty.
I got into a bit of bother for my bookworming. So rapt in reading was I that it damn-near drove my mother crazy. Every day I'd come home from school to find her cooking at her Creda Carefree and, a little later, she’d call me to the kitchen table by knocking on the serving hatch and piping brightly: "Tea's ready!"
But I’d be deep in another world, gripped by a thrilling narrative, determined to finish the chapter before dinner. And as the mince and tatties cooled on my plate, mum's tone heated in equal measure until, finally, she'd lose her rag at this errant no-show child.
Fast forward five decades and I'm allowing myself to curl up in my favourite chair, discovering writers old and new, delving into their stories, and sharing the ones I most enjoy with you. Dinner? It can wait.
Joined-up writing for growing people
It only took me half a century to discover the books of wisdom that, in some cases, have been knocking about for nine-thousand years.
I guess growing up in the suburbs of Glasgow in the 1970s, the chances of tripping over a copy of the Tao Te Ching or the Bhagavad Gita were slim. So, I owe a huge debt of gratitude to Tim Berners-Lee for his unwitting role in saving me from a lifetime of ignorance and gnawing discontent. All hail the internet!
Where am I going with this? Oh yes. Just that there will always be a slot in my podcast dedicated to sharing the wisest words from sages dead and alive. If I can help anyone else feel more content, then my work here will be done.
Sharp Words episodes
Don't bother clicking any of these buttons. They're not linked to owt yet. But they will be soon!
Episode 1: Dignity
Episode 2: Focus
Episode 3: Mother
But if you want to rap with me about podcasty stuff, I'll be delighted to hear from you. The top button will get you to my inbox.
The bottom one? Who knows where...